Monday, 19 August 2013

Blowing my own trumpet

      Ahem. Hello. I have an announcement to make.

     This kind of thing doesn't sit easily with me, and I always feel I have to include a shameless self-promotion alert because my natural tendency is to not mention good stuff that happens, especially when it comes to writing. Why? Well, partly because I blog anonymously, and would prefer, in some ways, to not be noticed by people I know. Whilst simultaneously reaching the widest audience possible. Because I'm annoying like that.

     Bu-huh-hut... The very lovely people at Harper Impulse sent out a call for submissions for some guest blogs. I pitched a couple of ideas. They liked one of them. And asked me to write a guest blog on various romantic gestures that have meant a lot to me.

     So I wrote a 500 word piece (which felt very weird. Most of my posts are around 2,000 words (about two sides of double spaced A4), so I felt I was being very sparse in what I was writing). And they liked it. And it's going to be on their website on Wednesday afternoon. So if you fancy reading me in a rather more bite-sized format than normal, have a gander here. The first post went up today, was lovely, and I have high expectations of what's to follow.

     Sorry. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

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